There is so much intellectual consideration given to the application development lifecycle.
Methodologies like Agile, DevOps, and DevSecOps, which are designed to drive more value by getting new features and enhancements to market faster, with fewer issues, are evidence of this. But very few people think about managing the code lifecycle, at least not beyond a single product. We often just accept the limitations and inefficiencies around code development.
AI-fueled CodeOps is here to change that.
CodeOps is designed to relieve developers of repetitive coding so they can focus on higher level work and accelerate the velocity at which they can get new features and enhancements to market.
Repetitive Coding—and Testing—Is Inefficient
Companies typically align development teams to a single product, and those teams rarely branch outside their own area of focus. The approach has both advantages and disadvantages. On the upside, developers have greater context for their work. They know their products and can build on code they created. The downside, especially for companies with multiple products, is that developers waste large amounts of time writing code that does things that already exist within other products. They’re writing code to do the same thing again and again.
It’s wildly inefficient.
And it’s just not developing code—it’s testing it, too. You develop the code, you develop the test code, you identify and address issues, you release, you fix bugs. The inefficiencies grow exponentially, especially across multiple products. You can see how this might open the company to greater exposure from a security standpoint, as well.
But what if you could find similarities between requirements, develop code to address them, and use it everywhere those requirements exist? What impact would it have on your company, customers, and development teams?
CodeOps Accelerates Velocity—and Value—at Scale
Enter CodeOps.
CodeOps is a methodology that prioritizes reuse of existing code wherever possible. Organizations can use it to reduce development time and get new products, features, and enhancements faster and more securely by reusing, repurposing, or building on code they already have. It entails adopting new ways of thinking, putting new practices and processes in place, and using technology like GenAI to match requirements with reusable, modular pieces of code stored in a code library, so new code is written only when it’s not in the library and/or is truly unique to a single product.
The obvious gains are consistency, efficiency, and security. Products are more structurally similar, and developers aren’t spending hours recoding the same thing dozens of times—or testing it. You already know it works. If your organization uses DevSecOps practices, you know security was a primary consideration in its development. And if there is an issue, once a patch is deployed, it is fixed everywhere it is in use.
But CodeOps is more than just an efficiency play. By using code from the library, even as a starting point, developers can put more time and effort into coding things that are going to have a big impact on your products—things that drive value to your customers and create value for your company. And from a developer’s perspective, that is more interesting, rewarding, and desirable work.
As with agile, DevOps, and DevSecOps, CodeOps requires cultural and process changes. Developers must adopt new ways of working, but they also must be willing to trust the code.
Ignite CodeOps Adoption with an External Catalyst
All the major code platforms—Jira, GitHub, Azure DevOps, Slack—are actively exploring how to integrate CodeOps into their solutions, and third-party tools are emerging, as well. They are all nascent, with some working better than others, which makes it difficult to determine which one will best serve you in the long run. In addition, adopting CodeOps is more than just bolting on a technology solution. Like Agile and DevOps before it, CodeOps requires a cultural shift. Developers must adopt a new mindset and new ways of working. And they must learn to trust the existing code modules enough to incorporate and build on them.
These technical, organizational, and cultural barriers make it challenging to figure out how to get started, especially when your teams have so much to do. Sometimes, it takes an external catalyst to make CodeOps real. At Kopius, we’ve developed a solution to help organizations adopt CodeOps without having to tackle the organization and cultural transformation or make a long-term commitment to a platform that is still figuring out its approach.
First, we use GenAI to intelligently review your backlog and identify commonalities in new requests. Next, we aggregate those requests and develop requirements to address them. Then, we develop code to cover the bulk of those commonalities and validate it with your developers to get their feedback and buy in. The code is stored in the code library and pushed to the right code repositories. Then, when you’re ready to tackle one of those new requests in a sprint, your developers simply pull the relevant code from the repository and use it as-is or as a starting point. As additional new requests come in, the process is repeated.
Companies gain the advantages that come with looking at code across their entire portfolio and maintaining it by feature and functionality, without disrupting existing development processes.
It’s a smart point of entry for any organization wanting to get started with CodeOps today.
CodeOps: A GenAI Approach to Working Smarter, Not Harder
Ultimately, CodeOps solves a fundamental problem that many organizations have—writing the same requirements and code for multiple products. It’s a hard challenge to overcome because the organizational constructs inherent in development teams lend themselves to a product-by-product approach.
But with a little help from GenAI and an external catalyst like Kopius developers can work smarter, not harder and accelerate the velocity at which they can deliver value.
JumpStart Your Technology Project—and Stay on Track—with Kopius!
At Kopius, we harness the power of people, data and emerging technologies to build innovative solutions that help our customers navigate continual change and solve formidable challenges. To accelerate our customers’ success, we’ve designed a JumpStart program to prioritize digital transformation together.

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