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DevOps Managed Services

DevOps is a framework that can increase deployment speed, improve resource utilization, and enhance customer experience. Whether you want to transition to this framework or have already implemented these principles, Kopius can support your success with managed DevOps services.

DevOps Challenges

Transitioning to a DevOps model can be an excellent way to improve efficiency and optimize resource utilization, but this transition doesn’t happen overnight. Some of the biggest challenges in shifting to DevOps include:

  • Adopting new tools: A significant aspect of DevOps is adopting a series of new automation tools. While these deliver high impact, making the shift can be challenging for teams, especially if you’re new to automation in general. Your business needs a clear implementation plan to support a seamless transition to these new tools.
  • Standardization: Defining processes is essential for DevOps to function well, but starting from the very beginning requires complex reorganization. When your team is unfamiliar with DevOps best practices, it can be challenging to standardize your processes in a way that works well. 
  • Culture change: DevOps relies on continued collaboration between IT and software development teams, which contrasts with the typical silo approach many businesses use. If you’re hoping to transition to a DevOps model, you need to drive this culture shift of collaboration to ensure your teams work well together and support continuous implementation.

DevOps Managed Services With Kopius

Kopius provides managed DevOps services so that your team can outsource processes to our experts and streamline responsibilities for your in-house departments. As your DevOps managed service provider, we’ll create a scalable cloud environment for your development processes. Additionally, we will continuously monitor and support day-to-day operations throughout application development.

Managed DevOps is an excellent option for teams lacking the resources to address all responsibilities in-house. With our team monitoring automation tools, app performance, and application code deployment, you can trust every stage to run smoothly and continuously. Reducing the strain on your internal team empowers them to focus on high-impact work within the DevOps life cycle.

Other benefits of managed DevOps services include:

  • No additional staffing investments
  • Project management with the Kopius team
  • Faster software deployment
  • Expertise in optimal cloud environments

Why Choose Kopius for DevOps Managed Services and Solutions?

Kopius is a nearshore team of inspired realists who can support your company wherever you are. We lead transformations for businesses of all sizes by employing our expertise in business and technology operations. 

Collaboration is at the core of our mission. Our team learns about your unique objectives to deliver managed services that create results. While we offer expertise in digital technology, we also inspire your professionals to grow their skill sets and drive your company’s success.

Connect With Us About DevOps Managed Services

Kopius understands the value of the DevOps framework and sees the limitations for smaller companies. With managed DevOps services, you can empower your team with the DevOps structure while reducing strain on your IT and product development professionals. Experience the full potential of DevOps with the experts at Kopius. Connect with us today to learn more.

Case Studies

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AWS Blockchain-Inspired Platform

CME Group and Britain’s Royal Mint needed a new gold trading platform

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Agile DevOps Approach Improves QA Testing Times by 97%

Time to Fix technical and functional issues reduced by 45%